U subotu 1. listopada 2022. na Bazeni Novi Jelkovec, Zagreb, Croatia u sklopu završnice dvogodišnjeg ERASMUS + projekta LETSWIM, u organizaciji PK Natator, uspješno je održano 1. hrvatsko međunarodno Halliwick plivačko natjecanje Gala – natjecanje koje poštuje individualne razlike među ljudima.
The First Croatian International Halliwick Swimming Competition Gala – a competition that respects individual differences between people was successfully held on Saturday, October 1, 2022, at the Novi Jelkovec Swimming Pool, Zagreb, Croatia
as part of the finale of the two-year ERASMUS + LETSWIM project. It was organized by Natator Swimming Club.
Hrvatski jezik
Na natjecanju je sudjelovalo 40ak natjecatelja iz partnerskih organizacija: PK Natator iz Zagreba, Međunarodno udruženje Halliwick (Danska), Halliwick Poljska, PK Velenje iz Slovenije i Sportsko udruženje Halivik iz Srbije.
Prije početka natjecanja održana je revijalna utrka 4 x 50 m slobodno u kojoj su nastupili plivači i paraplivači, a kojoj je cilj bio pokazati kako se prilagodbom pravila u sportu, uspješno mogu zajedno natjecati osobe s invaliditetom i bez. Nastupili su:
- Paula Novina, paraolimpijka iz Tokija 2020.
- Marija Badrov, osvajačica medalje na Europskim para igrama mladih 2022.
- Ida Tušek, finalistica HPS PH
- Roko Krpina, reprezentativac u plivanju, sudionik Europskim igrama mladih 2022.
Gala Natjecanje se provodi s odgođenim startnim vremenom omogućavajući plivaču s najduljim prijavljenim vremenom da starta prvi, zatim starta plivač s drugim najduljim prijavljenim vremenom. Drugom plivaču dodijeljuje se vremenska odgoda na startu koja je jednak razlici između prijavljenih vremena.
Cilj je da svi plivači završe u isto vrijeme . Pobjednik nije najbrži plivač, nego onaj koji je najviše poboljšao vrijeme na natjecanju u odnosu na prijavljeno vrijeme.
Princip natjecanja s odgođenim startnim vremenom razlikuje se od uobičajenog paraplivačkog natjecanja, na način da ne dijeli plivače prema dobi, spolu, invaliditetu i stilu plivanja.
Na natjecanju se mogu uspješno integrirati plivači i paraplivači što je pokazala i revijalna utrka. Glavna motivacija za sudionika natjecanja je poboljšanje vlastitog vremena. Gala koncept omogućuje sudjelovanje i plivačima koji zbog invaliditeta ne mogu naučiti plivati pravilnom tehnikom plivanja; na taj način pojačavamo motivaciju velikom broju osoba s invaliditetom da sudjeluju u sportsko rekreativnim aktivnostima u vodi i natječu se, postignu bolju socijalnu uključenost i umrežavanje u cjelokupnu plivačku/sportsku zajednicu s drugim plivačima (sa i bez invaliditeta) te, uz postignute sportske rezultate, osjećaj vlastite vrijednosti i postignuća te poboljšaju sveukupno zdravstveno stanje.
Nakon 10 kvalifikacijskih utrka, održane su 3 polufinalnih utrka, 3 extra polufinalne utrke, finale i extra finale. U extra polufinalu i extra finalu plivaju plivači koji su poboljšali vrijeme na natjecanju za više od 7%.
Ekipni pobjednik natjecanja je Plivački klub Natator. Drugo mjesto zauzeli su plivači i plivačice iz PK Velenje iz Slovenije i 3. mjesto ekipa iz Poljske.
Isti redosljed je bio i u štafeti 4 x 25 m. U individualnim disciplinama 25 m slobodno podjedili su plivači iz PK Natator: 1. mjesto zauzela je Valerija Jerbić, 2. mjesto Sara Princip i 3. mjesto Noa Hlupić. U disciplini 4 x 25 m extra finale, slavio je Luka Maras, drugo mjesto osvojio je Nikola Šegon i treće mjesto Ivana Abramović, svi iz PK Natator.
Natjecanje je podržala Zaklada paraolimpijac te svojim dolaskom i hrvatski paraolimpijci: stolnotenisačica Sanda Paović, osvajačica zlatne medalje na PI u Riju 2016. , četverostruku parolimpijac i osvjača europskih i svjetskih medalja plivač Kiristijan Vincetić i paraolimpijac iz Tokija 2020. plivač Tomi Brajša; koji su najuspješnijim natjecateljima i ekipama podijelili medalje. Pehare u ekipnoj konkurenciji podjelila je gospođa Anna Olasinska, predsjednica Međunarodnog Halliwick udruženja i članica projektnog tima: LETSWIM.
Natjecanje je osiguralo i dodatne kompetencije trenerima plivanja i učiteljima/kineziolozima u školama na području rada s paraplivačima. Jedan od ciljeva projekta je potaknuti uključivanje paraplivača u sustave treninga i natjecanja svih plivačkih klubova.
Organizatori i priređivači natjecanja posebnu zahvalu šalju svim volonterima bez kojih ne bi bilo moguće organizirati natjecanje: profesoricama, ravnateljici i učenicima Osnovne škole Iver iz Sesveta koji su bili dio organizacijskog tima i gledatelj, volonterima i roditeljima iz PK Natator te nagrađivanoj fotografkinji Majdi Pavleković koja je izradila prekrasne podvodne fotografije plivača.
Veliko hvala i svim djelatnicima bazena Novi Jelkovec na podršci i mogućnosti da priredimo završnicu europskog projekta na ovom prekrasnom bazenu.
English language
The First Croatian International Halliwick Swimming Competition Gala – a competition that respects individual differences between people was successfully held on Saturday, October 1, 2022, at the Novi Jelkovec Swimming Pool, Zagreb, Croatia
as part of the finale of the two-year ERASMUS + LETSWIM project. It was organized by Natator Swimming Club.
About 40 competitors from partner organizations took part in the competition: Natator Swimming Club from Zagreb, International Association Halliwick (Denmark), Halliwick Poland, Velenje Swimming Club from Slovenia and Sports Association Halivik from Serbia.
Before the start of the competition, a 4 x 50 m freestyle demo race was held. Both swimmers and paraswimmers took part in it with the aim to show that, by adapting the rules of sports, people with and without disabilities can successfully compete together. The participants in the demo race were:
Paula Novina, Paralympian from Tokyo 2020,
Marija Badrov, medallist at the European Para Youth Games 2022
Ida Tušek, finalist of the Croatian National Champ
Roko Krpina, participant at the European Youth Games 2022.
The Gala Competition is conducted with a delayed start time allowing the swimmer with the longest registered time to start first, followed by the swimmer with the second longest registered time. The second swimmer is given a time delay at the start equal to the difference between the entry times.
The goal is for all swimmers to finish at the same time. The winner is not the fastest swimmer, but the one who has improved the most in the competition compared to the entry time.
The principle of the competition with a delayed start time differs from the usual paraswimming competitions in the way that it does not distinguish swimmers based on age, gender, disability and swimming style.
Swimmers and paraswimmers can be successfully integrated at the competition, which was also demonstrated by the demo race. The main motivation for a competitor is to improve his/her own time. The Gala concept enables the participation of swimmers who cannot learn to swim with a proper swimming technique due to their disabilities; in this way, we increase the motivation of a large number of people with disabilities to participate in sports and recreational activities in water and compete. We incite them to achieve better social inclusion and networking in the entire swimming/sports community with other swimmers (with and without disabilities) and, in addition to achieved sports results, to develop a sense of self-worth and achievement and improve their overall state of health.
After 10 qualifying races, 3 semi-final races, 3 extra semi-final races, the final and the extra final were held. The extra semi-final and the extra final were intended for swimmers who improved their time in the competition by more than 7%.
The team champion was Natator Swimming Club. The second place was taken by male and female swimmers from Velenje Swimming Club from Slovenia and the third place by the team from Poland.
The same order was in the 4 x 25 m relay. In the individual 25 m freestyle discipline all tree medallists were from Natator: the first place was taken by Valerija Jerbić, the second place by Sara Princip and the third place by Noa Hlupić. In the 4 x 25 m extra final, Luka Maras won, the second place went to Nikola Šegon and the third place to Ivana Abramović, all from Natator Swimming Club.
The competition was supported by the Paralympic Foundation and the Croatian Paralympians who awarded medals to the most successful competitors and teams. The guests Paralympians included: table tennis player Sanda Paović, the gold medallist at the PG in Rio 2016, the four-time Paralympian and the winner of European and world medals, swimmer Kiristijan Vincetić and the Paralympian from Tokyo 2020, swimmer Tomi Brajša. Cups in the team competition were awarded by Mrs. Anna Olasinska, the president of the International Halliwick Association and a member of the LETSWIM project team.
The competition also provided additional competences to swimming coaches and teachers/kinesiologists in schools working with paraswimmers. One of the goals of the project is to encourage the inclusion of paraswimmers in the training and competition systems of all swimming clubs.
The organizers and hosts of the competition send special thanks to all the volunteers without whom it would not be possible to organize the event: the teachers, the principal and students of the Iver Elementary School from Sesvete, who were part of the organizing team, and spectators, volunteers and parents from Natator Swimming Club and the award-winning photographer Majda Pavleković who created beautiful underwater photos of swimmers: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=plivacki.klub.natator&set=a.557022703092984
Many thanks to all the employees of the Novi Jelkovec Swimming Pool for their support and the opportunity to organize the finale of the European project at this beautiful pool.
Competition gallery: