ERASMUS + LETSWIM project started on June 21, 2021. with the education of swimming coaches, current and former paraswimmers, professors and students from the Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb; parents and volunteers and folowed by organization of the 1st Halliwick simulation with the help of our partners from the International Halliwick Association from Denmark and Halliwick Poland from Krakow. In November 2021, we went on a study trip to Krawów, where we attended the National Gala Competition. On October 1, 2022, we were ready to organize the 1st Halliwick International Gala Competition in this part of Europe, in which teams from Poland, Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia participated.
The Halliwick concept expresses respect and acknowledgement of the individual differences between people. In the principals of the Halliwick competition, this is expressed by letting everyone participate without being classified according to age, sex and disability or swimming style.
Instead, the principle of time deley is used. According to this principle the fastest swimmer is not necessarily the winner, but the swimmer who improves the most.
The competition is carried out with delayed starting time. The swimmer, with the longest enrolment time in a heat, is starting first. The swimmer with the second longest enrolment time is starting next, and so forth. The starting time of the participants in a heat (the start number) is calculated as the difference between the first one and those following.
The entry time for participating in the Gala should always be the swimmers personal best time . During the competition the time achieved in the opening heat is used as starting time in the semi-final, and correspondingly the time from the semi-final for the final. The time from the opening heat is also used for the participation in the relays.
More about the competition found out at the link: